


How to organize yourself financially?

Getting financially organized is important for a life with less stress and more leisure time without having to go into debt!



8 apps for time management!

Time management apps allow you to work more cohesively and complete your tasks on time.



Apps to stay focused: increase productivity!

With apps to stay focused, you can transform your daily life, achieving your goals more easily and with less stress.



8 apps to learn a new language easily!

Using free apps you can learn a new language through interactive activities, games or even speaking with native speakers!

Study tips for learning a new language!

Learning a new language can be easier than you think with consistent studies and the help of technology! See more tips!

Tips July 11, 2024

How to carry out a professional self-assessment?

By carrying out a professional self-assessment you can understand mistakes and successes to move forward and improve your career!

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Tips July 10, 2024

Best courses offered by Edutin Academy

Edutin Academy offers some of the best online courses for anyone who wants to learn a new skill or even specialize!

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Tips July 10, 2024

Is it worth taking a distance learning course?

With the ease of the internet, taking a distance course is worth it if you want to be more agile in your daily life! Understand!

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Tips July 9, 2024

How to organize your routine: manage your day!

Establishing priorities and schedules is just one of the steps to organizing your routine so that your day is more productive! See more!

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Tips July 5, 2024

How to develop your leadership skills?

By developing your leadership skills, you can become the reference your team needs to thrive!

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Tips July 4, 2024

Best professional courses of 2024

With professional courses, you learn a new skill quickly and can improve your CV and your professional life!

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