
How to create your resume for your first job!

Entering the job market may seem daunting, but with a few simple tips you can create an impeccable CV to continue with the selection process!


Understand how to create an impressive resume to enter the job market! 

Pessoas sentadas com currículo em prancheta no colo
Create an attractive resume for your first job! Source: Pexels.

Creating a resume for your first job scares you? Well, this doesn’t have to be a difficult task! Even if you don't have relevant professional experience, you can stand out. 

But, with the right approach, it is possible to highlight your qualifications and potential, making you an attractive candidate for employers. 

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In fact, we will cover the essential elements that must be present in a first job CV, the importance of each of them and how to format your CV in a professional way. 

What needs to be included?

When creating a resume for your first job, it is essential to highlight all the experiences and skills that are relevant to the desired position. 

Even though you may not have formal work experience, there are several ways to show your worth when looking for your first job. So, see below what is essential!

Think about your professional goal

One of the most important tips is to have a clear professional objective, right at the beginning of the document. It should summarize your career goals and the type of position you are seeking.

A well-crafted objective can help direct an employer's focus to your aspirations and how they align with the job opening. 

Furthermore, it also demonstrates that you have a plan and are focused on your professional development.


The education section is one of the most important! Even more so on a first job resume. After all, it is what will replace the lack of professional experience. 

Therefore, ensure that all pertinent information is present, such as the name of the institution, the course or program taken and the period in which you studied.

If you performed well academically or participated in relevant projects during your studies, be sure to mention them as well. This can highlight your capabilities and dedication.


Do you have volunteering experience? Be aware that they are very valuable when creating a CV for your first job. They show that you are proactive and have teamwork skills.

Furthermore, when describing your volunteering experiences, include details about the activities carried out, the skills acquired and the results achieved. 

This helps employers see how you can apply these experiences in the workplace.

Include your skills

Including a detailed skills section is important. Think about the skills you have developed throughout your education and other activities.

For example, computing, communication, leadership, and teamwork. If possible, provide examples of how you used these skills in different contexts to demonstrate your potential.

How to format?

Good formatting can make all the difference in the presentation of your resume. So, pay attention when creating your resume for your first job!

First, keep the layout clean and professional, with easy-to-read fonts and proper spacing. Additionally, keep these titles and subtitles clear to organize the sections.

This way, you help the reader quickly find the information they are looking for. Also, be concise and avoid long texts.

A simple, well-organized resume is more effective than a visually busy layout. Finally, be sure to proofread your resume to correct grammatical and spelling errors.

What not to put in the document?

Some common mistakes can hurt your chances of getting an interview. Here are some points to avoid below.

  • Excessive personal information: Avoid including data such as number of documents, marital status, or photos unless requested.
  • Experiences unconnected to the vacancy: Do not include jobs or activities that are not relevant to the position you want.
  • Lies or exaggerations: Be transparent about your skills. Making up information can seriously damage your credibility.
  • Technical terms: Use clear and direct language. This way, you avoid technical terms that may be difficult to understand for some readers.

See also: tips for having a good interview!

If you create a good resume, your chances of getting your first job are great! However, another point of attention is your professional interview. 

After all, you need to impress recruiters! It's essential to be ready to demonstrate your qualifications and personality.

So, check out our content with valuable tips for a successful job interview. From how to dress appropriately, to how to answer the most common questions.

Mulheres se cumprimentando em entrevista

Tips for a good job interview!

Ready to land that dream job? Even if you have no experience with the selection process, you can prepare in advance and do well!

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